Experience Overview

George Georgalis <george@galis.org>

In 1998, Mr Georgalis, an Information Systems expert, transitioned a medical discovery service (he founded 4 years earlier for library research) to a system administration consultancy for San Diego business. Relocating in 2001, he consulted 5 years for New York City and New Jersey companies. In 2004, Metrum Research Group, a Connecticut based pharmacometric research organization, contracted him to engineer a validated quantitative pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamic modeling and simulation grid. Two years later, Mr Georgalis joined MetrumRG as Information Systems Scientist. In 2008, he was appointed Faculty of Science Researcher, Pharmacometric Platform Manager, Department of Pharmacology, Leiden University (Netherlands) for LACDR and the Dutch Top Institute Pharma Consortium, to develop the knowledgebase and HPC facility. His experience includes:

Area Specialties: security, network protocols, data warehousing, systems integration, account management, configuration management, vendor negotiation, hardware & hardware virtualization, distributed filesystems, High Performance Computing, Unix mentoring, decision tree analysis, unit testing, change control, project management.


A brief resume is attached below. Feel free to contact George Georgalis <george@galis.org> with questions about experience and availability.